Taking Responsibility, Making a Difference: Our Exciting Initiatives for a Sustainable Future
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Wipak | Initiatives
The participation in initiatives is a cornerstone to get prepared for a sustainable future in our business sectors. We know consumers hold the industry responsible for the plastic waste problem. We are happy to take on our share of that responsibility.

As we strive for continuous innovation and development, we commit to a number of key initiatives;

Wipak | Initiatives Wipak | Initiatives
HolyGrail 2.0
Digital Warriors in a Circular Battle Step into the future where recycling reigns supreme! As proud members of HolyGrail 2.0, a cross-value chain initiative led by AIM, the European Brands Association, we're part of an unstoppable force of over 130 companies and organizations from the packaging industry. Our mission? To harness the might of digital technology, using nifty digital watermarking, to revolutionize sorting and recycling rates for packaging in the EU. Say goodbye to plastic waste and welcome a circular economy where recycling is the ultimate boss!
Wipak | Initiatives Wipak | Initiatives
Flexing Sustainability Muscles with Purpose Flexing muscle and commitment in one mighty move! At Wipak, we're not just talk; we're dedicated to the Circular Economy for Flexible Packaging (CEFLEX). Representing the entire value chain, our mission is clear: collect every piece of flexible packaging and ensure over 80% of recycled materials find their way into extraordinary new markets. Say goodbye to virgin materials - we're taking them down! By 2025, we're building an unstoppable flexible packaging recycling infrastructure that'll leave you spinning!
Wipak | Initiatives Wipak | Initiatives
Driving sustainable plastics with digital passports. Promoting global standardization, we aim to implement digital product passports, supported by Wipak's expertise in sustainable packaging and Digimarc® technology. Advancing circularity for plastic materials through enhanced traceability.
Wipak | Initiatives Wipak | Initiatives
UK Plastics Pact
Wipak UK: Committed to the UK Plastic Pact. Together, we're creating a circular economy for plastics, eliminating problematic plastics, and strengthening recycling systems. Join us in building a sustainable future with reduced waste and increased recycling.
Get ready to rock the sustainability scene with Wipak.
Our initiatives are revolutionizing the fight against plastic waste, bringing innovation and style to the forefront. Together, we'll create a future where responsibility, innovation, and sustainability collide, transforming the circular economy into an epic celebration of progress.
Are you interested? Get in touch!

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