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New Wipak Strategy is out!


GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK – #WECONTRIBUTE – the new Wipak strategy is out

We are bold, we are beautiful and we want to heal the world by being the most sustainable flexible packaging company with a promise to reduce company’s CO2 footprint to ZERO by 2025! Madness say many of you, I am sure but drastic times require drastic measures and we are willing and excited to accept the challenge.

Whaaatt – a plastic company preaching about sustainability!

Flexible packaging and plastics are not what you usually think about when talking about sustainability but when you look at it a little bit closer it really is. Our Mission is to enable our customers to deliver their products to people in safe and sustainable packaging. Our solutions greatly help to minimize e.g. food waste – one of the biggest problems of the modern era.

Preaching is easy – acting is even easier when you know what you want

Current public opinion indicating that we should totally give up plastics is our challenge number one. We contribute to solving the problem in many ways. Our ammunitions are

  • Less materials
  • Sustainable raw materials
  • Sustainable concepts
  • Only sustainable energy for our production

We are not the problem – we are a vital part of the solution and we welcome also our competitors to join the forces.

Why not join us?

We are so not able to do this by ourselves but we need our customers and all other stakeholders to form a united front. We want to throw an open invitation to all our customers to come and meet us in our new N.E.X.T. centers to innovate, to create and to play with ideas in workshops, training and seminars and later on also implement the outcomes. We hope none of our stakeholders need to hear us asking “Your competitors are here, why aren’t you”.



– By Karri Koskela, Vice President and General Manager, Wipak Group

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