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Wipak and Winpak help provide material for disposable visors


When humanity faces a stern test such as the current COVID-19 pandemic companies must rise to the creative challenge to solve society’s problems at record speed.

Many companies have know-how that is adaptable to the current situation. Our colleagues at Wipak and Winpak were able to innovate some impressive personal protective equipment in record time. “We got together on a Thursday in our German plant to figure out how we can help provide appropriate material to make shields for disposable visors. The guys got to work and managed to produce a prototype on the same day, shipped it on Friday morning and it was converted into 14 000 medical visors during the weekend” says Developer Jaquie Richards. “We are proud and energized – it feels great to be able to help at speed when that is needed. We were able to showcase that we don’t just reduce food waste or do sterile packaging. We are also able to deploy our know-how quickly to fight this common enemy in other ways”

Do you have a great story of your own about how your company or a company you know has pivoted to help out at this time? Share it with us – maybe there is a chance to do good together.

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