Wipak was one of the 800+ companies which came together last week to exhibit at Agroprodmash 2017 – an international show exhibiting equipment, technologies, raw materials and ingredients for the food processing industry.
Held at the Expocentre in Moscow, the exhibition is a key event in packaging professionals’ calendars. “It is the most important trade show in Russia,” said Tatyana Konovalova, Senior Sales Manager at Wipak LLC. “This year’s show saw a 20% increase in visitors to the Wipak stand, with staff having some really interesting discussions with existing and potential customers about their objectives for the future.”
“The Russian food market develops very quickly and every year Agroprodmash brings us more and more enquiries from different food segments.”
Visitors to the Wipak stand were introduced to some of our latest innovations, including ProDirect; our new, flexible thermoformable films; laser-scoring technologies; and eye-catching printing techniques, such as our haptic lacquer.
To find out more about services in Russia, please contact: info.russia@wipak.com.