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Wipak’s Haptic Lacquer is an Award-Winning Innovation

>Wipak received the Innovation Prize Commendation in European Rotogravure Association (ERA) Packaging Gravure Award 2015 for the Präst Cheese package developed together with Arla. The haptic lacquer provides a matt look to the film that is also smooth and soft to the touch. For the Präst Cheese package, the haptic lacquer was designed to resemble woven fabric, giving this all-plastic package a very natural feel.

It only takes 15 seconds for the consumer to select which product to buy at the supermarket. Brands need to stand out from the competition and one way to achieve this is by innovative packaging design.

“The entry from Wipak was not just an improvement of an existing packaging solution, but really something new, and it therefore perfectly met the criteria of the ERA competition for an innovation. Furthermore, it is something which could only be achieved by using gravure, with the special cylinder engraving developed by Wipak.” says James Siever, the ERA Secretary General.

“The lacquer has a similar chemical structure as a printing ink with mineral additives. With this special varnish and special printing forms haptic structures can be produced on almost all of our films. This enables us to print surfaces that feel like, for example, paper or textile structures.” Explains Adolf Ahrens, Head of Pack Design at Wipak Walsrode. “The in-house cylinder engraving allows us to tailor the haptic lacquer to each individual design. In addition to pure gravure solutions, the design can be printed with flexo and the haptic lacquer can then be applied in-line using gravure printing units.”

For more information on the haptic lacquer, please contact Wipak’s Pack Design Team:

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