To achieve a circular economy for flexible packaging, it is necessary to utilize all recycling technologies. Currently, mechanical recycling is the primary process used. Advanced (chemical) recycling technologies will be necessary to recycle the complete range of flexible packaging and to meet minimum thresholds of recycled content in contact-sensitive applications like food packaging. We utilize post-consumer recycled materials (PCR) for food contact applications, such as mechanically recycled PET (RPET). To increase the amount of recycled content and comply with rising legislative requirements, we collaborate with our stakeholders to integrate chemically recycled materials according to ISCC Plus certification schemes. While quantities are still limited, we are confident that legislators will pave the way for advanced recycling and a transparent mass balance approach. This is yet another reason to transition from a linear "make and dispose" culture to circularity. By replacing virgin raw materials with recycled alternatives, we reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in plastic production and decrease our product-related carbon emissions.
To enable a circular economy for flexible packaging, it is essential to utilize a combination of recycling technologies. Currently, mechanical recycling is the primary method employed. However, incorporating chemical or advanced recycling methods can complement existing technologies, enabling a greater amount of flexible packaging to be recycled.
Fortunately, there are ongoing developments in the field of chemical recycling, with some alternative technologies expected to reach larger production scales in the near future. By acknowledging and accepting these advanced recycling methods, we can increase the recycling capacity for flexible packaging and effectively reuse the recycled materials in the same applications.
To achieve this, we are collaborating closely with suppliers and implementing new solutions, while also adhering to the ISCC Plus certification scheme. Through this partnership with our customers, we aim to contribute to the advancement of a circular economy for flexible packaging.
Starting from 2021, the Wipak Group has successfully obtained the ISCC PLUS certification for multiple facilities across different countries. These certified facilities include Wipak Nastola in Finland, Wipak Walsrode in Germany, Wipak UK, and Wipak Gryspeert in France. Following suit, Wipak Valkeakoski also achieved the certification in January 2022.